Tuesday, June 27, 2006


A true sign that you are an adult is sunscreen. Gone are the days of laying out just to get burned so you can then start tanning. What were I thinking? "Oh, hold on just let me increase my chances of cancer, walk around in intense pain, scream at my loved one for touching me all the while knowing that when I was thirty or so I would look about 10 years older...I HAVE to get that summer tan"? WHAT?!?! What kind of logic is that?

Last weekend we went to the lake and I was so proud of myself for aplying and reaplying sunscreen on every inch of my body EXCEPT for my legs. What was I thinking? I guess that I just had a moment of insanity thinking that this would be the first summer that my blinding white legs would only turn to a golden brown and not a painful, blistering cherry red. I still find myself fighting the "burn before tan" theory. After we were done with our fun filled day, I was then reminded evey single second of my stupidity beucase of the intense heat and pain coming from my legs. Not only was I feeling stupid becuase of my carelessness, but I had to display my stupidity for all to see because you can't wear pants when you are in pain like that. To bad I don't own any long skirts. An added bonus to the guilt...being aware of the fact that what I was doing to my self was putting my self in very real danger of getting skin cancer. It isn't worth it, it is NEVER worth it! It's 3 months out of the year that we are a slave to the sun only for it to fade away in the fall and start back over again next year. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Thank you Nicole Kidman Urban for reminding us that pasty white is beautiful!


Jesse Faris said...

I totally feel your pain, man. I am trying to revolutionize the way I usually hate my pastey skin. I have been scared one too many times by the skin cancer magazine articles. The only thing that stinks is that I just loooove laying out in the sun on a pool float too much. But that's what waterproof sunscreen is for I guess, right?

Something that has made me feel better about the whole not allowing myself to burnthentan is that I found a new way to look fake tan. There is this girl at the place where I get my nails done sometimes who spray tans people personally. It is a little up close and personal, but it looks fab when she's done. (Marth, Leslie, and I all did it for Leslie's wedding.) It was $25, and it lasted about 2 weeks. Maybe not that affordable for every week, but definitely for a beach/lake trip or wedding every now and then. That way I feel so proud to wear shorts knowing that I don't match the stone khaki, but I am still being healthful!

Tesney said...

I, too, am a reformed tanner. I even sat under an umbrella the last time we were at the beach--something I would never have done in the past. I also bought a super-cute hat. I think being a mom has totally changed my perspective. I hope I'm not becoming a prude, but I really don't want to look old and wrinkley or have skin cancer.

khovater said...

Thank you girls for your coments. Let me say this...if you choose to do such things as lay out, that is great but please wear sunscreen. Jess, I commend you for finding alternatives to frying your skin. It is important to be healthy. I remember our discussion at her wedding about that. I am not crazy about the "comfortablness" or the lack there of in this process. There are also some folks who tan really easy and don't burn... I am jealous, but still wear at least some sunscreen. Your skin will thank you later.

Unknown said...

Yes! My mom has had a spot of melanoma removed, and it was scary! That stuff can be lethal. Plus, it's too darn hot.

Julie said...

I am still totally in denial about sunscreen. I am sure when I am a leather saddlebag at 35 years old I will wish I had followed your lead...

Brooke said...

Ditto about the sunscreen. I used to buy only that tanning oil with 2 SPF. Sorry those days are over... Hey, about Jessica, she is getting married Sept 23 and they are going to live in LR!

amber said...

AMEN. My last bad burn was 3 summers ago in Key West and I was so miserable and felt so stupid about damaging my skin. From that moment I resolved to put a gallon of sunscreen on each time I was going to be in the sun and to this day I've kept my promise. I still hate my white skin although, thanks to self tanners it's not so blinding!!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

Im trying to reform. If I were famous, it would be easier. I have to work on it.....